Fab Stove from Blue Sky Biochar from Michael Wittman on Vimeo.
Check out this excellent video on the Fab Stove,
Fab Stove is a No Smoke Clean Burning TLUD (top lit up draft), A biomass burning stove that creates it's own gasses, with a beautiful vortex like flame that is fully adjustable with the 2 speed fan and primary air adjustment lever.
Clean, Compact and Oh So Simple to use.
FabStove is FABulous, but its name was derived from its Forced Air Base (FAB) and Fan Assisted Biomass (FAB) that's its most distinctive features.
Stainless Steel cook top and Canister
Uses Compressed Wood Pellets which are readily available and inexpensive ($6-$9 for a 40 lb bag widely available )
You can use wood chips or other woody dried biomass but it works best with wood pellets for a longer and hotter burn.
FabStove features a removable TLUD gasifier canister.
The Biomass is initially broken down into flammable gases through Pyrolysis while creating quality Biochar.
These hot gases are merged with secondary airflow to burn the hot pyrolytic wood gas efficiently and completely.
Requires a small rechargeable battery not included with a USB charging cord if which operates the two speed fan and has an adjustable primary air flow.
Instructions included.
Included is a small bag of wood stove pellets for your first burn.
FabStove sports a sturdy steel construction and a fire chamber made of durable stainless steel.
FabStove will hold even the largest size pot, I stood on it and easily held my 160lbs of weight.
When the cooking is done and the flame is exhausted remove the canister from the unit and place it on a smooth surface and cover the top and it will fully carbonize with almost no ash and no need to douse with water then wait for it to cool down.
At that point you will have an small batch of high quality biochar that will easily break apart with your fingers.
"It’s so reliable in any kind of wind or damp weather. The first time I cooked this dish I thought it would take longer but it was faster and I got some great biochar when I was done"…
Ray Cirino
Jack Rabbitt
Olancha Ca.
FAB refers to “Forced Air Base” or “Fan-Assisted Base”, but the FabStove truly is FABULOUS!!
The separate “Fan-Assisted Base” makes this stove FABulous.
The separate “Fan-Assisted Base” reduces costs while improving reliability, versatility and easy ability to save biochar every time the FabStove is used.
I have seen and worked with hundreds of TLUD stove designs, and the FabStove is the only one that incorporates all of the very best features:
a. Pot does not sit on the gasifier canister.
b. Forced air is well controlled and is separate from the gasifier canister.
c. Stainless steel where it is important, and serviceable for long life span.
d. And all of the technical features for lowest emissions and highest heat efficiency.
Apart from obvious tailgate or campsite utility, this FabStove plus two bags of pellets adds to your protection at home during winter power outages (which unfortunately can occur at the worst times).
Paul “Dr TLUD” Anderson
Normal Ill.
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