The Blue Sky Foliar spray kit contains the following,
1 quart Blue Sky Wood Vinegar a $24 value ( protects from insects, diseases and is a natural bio-stimulant )
1 quart EM-1 a $45 value ( a probiotic agent )
1 quart Hyperdrive a $89 value ( aa surfactant/wetting agent and adjutant that drives any biology/nutrient based foliar spray into the cell structure of all plants with macro and micro nutrients )
Regular price $158 plus shipping
All 3 products for $149 with free shipping for a limited time...
This is our go to foliar spray ingredients which will enhance growth and protect your plants from disease and insects.
Mix 1/2 OZ Wood Vinegar, 1 OZ EM-1 and 1 OZ Hyperdrive per gallon of water (preferably non-chlorinated) and with a fine mist spray the entire plant including top and bottom of the leaves, stems and trunk in the later part of the day before sunset.
$ 89.00
HyperDrive TM 32 oz. It is a revolutionary green science metabolic breakthrough. All-natural, Non-Ionic, Organic, Non-GMO, Broad Spectrum Surfactant that is made with 100% food-grade, non-toxic, biodegradable plant extracts,...
$ 35.00
Organic Pine Biochar 1 cubic foot This is an Organic Pine Biochar of very high quality. Made in the U.S.A. 1-5 mm granular size Less than 8% ash Ph 8.5...
$ 59.00
BLUE SKY WOOD VINEGAR ( pyroligneous acid ) Wood Vinegar, is a sustainably made liquid microbial stimulant containing hundreds of naturally occurring organic compounds. It is a co-product of...
$ 45.00
EM1 Soil Conditioner is the perfect product to create a vibrant and diverse garden environment. With a huge array of applications EM-1® can help solve many problems in the garden,...